How often do you find yourself being thankful? Do you notice a difference when you appreciate the things around you?
Following on from a piece I wrote for Chris Palmore’s Gratitude Journal Volume 3 discussing the implications of gratitude in our daily lives I wanted to share the impact gratitude has had on my life and leave you with some simple ways to bring gratefulness into your day.
Part of my essay in the book discussed waking up and being immediately thankful. Whether that was for something that happened the previous day, a good night's sleep or just being alive! I described it as feeling blessed before I’m dressed! On submission, Chris fed back to me that that was his favourite line! It did have a certain ring to it, so I mentioned it to a couple of others, who all thought the concept was great too! I knew I’d be able to build on it somehow and sure enough, a couple of months later the opportunity came.
Life coach Jo Thackwray (who is currently running The Life Audit self-development programme that I’m part of ) approached me to see if I wanted to continue running with her LinkedIn positivity pause post. After three years of spreading daily positivity on the platform, she was looking to pass the baton and thought using Blessed Before You’re Dressed would be the perfect way to continue it! I was honoured and agreed it would be a great way to continue her good work and promote being grateful every day.
I’m now on a mission to share the benefits of daily gratitude and Blessed Before You’re Dressed where ever I can. Here’s what I’ve experienced:
When you’re grateful you turn things on their head. You reframe how you think and your perspective. You start to see and appreciate the positive things in a situation rather than dwelling on the negatives. This can help lift your mood and how you chose to show up and interact with others.
Appreciating what you have around you at the start of your day can make a real difference. Whether that’s noticing the sunshine outside, having a cup of tea, getting into a warm shower or wearing your favourite pair of slippers being grateful for these everyday occurrences will help set your intentions for the day ahead. You start off on the right foot so to speak!
Gratitude is good for your wellbeing and can often make accepting tough news a little easier. Try to be thankful even when it’s hard to be (this can be challenging but it definitely helps!). So when it’s raining be grateful that the rain helps plants grow, when you don’t get the pitch you went for be thankful for the opportunity and what you’ve learnt along the way.
So how can you bring more gratitude into your day? Here are a few tips you might find helpful:
As soon as you wake up think of one thing to be grateful for, it can be big or small. (Sometimes I just thank God for the carpet under my feet and the roof over my head!)
Connect with me on LinkedIn and follow #BlessedBeforeYoureDressed so you’ll be encouraged to be thankful for at least one thing every morning.
Journal around three things you are grateful for as often as you can and whatever fits into your schedule. I talk more about gratitude journaling here.
Listen to The Power of Gratitude podcast where Steve Gamlin and I share uplifting stories.
Every time you go for a walk look around you and make a mental note of something you appreciate whilst you are out and about. It could be birdsong, sunshine, flowers, being let across the street, or the smile from a stranger.
Catch this song Counting Every Blessing by Rent Collective.
Life can be tough sometimes but I believe there’s always something to be grateful for no matter how small.
What are your current thoughts on gratitude?
Want to talk it through a bit more and have a conversation? Let’s jump on a call or connect with me on LinkedIn.
Snoop around my website if you’re interested in finding out a bit more about what I do or my journey.
Gratitude is one of my values, alongside Faith and Authenticity. If you share that ethos too please reach out. It would be amazing to hear from you.
Want me to come and speak about gratitude at your event or organisation? Get in touch and let's start talking.
You can start every day feeling blessed before you’re dressed and reap the benefits of daily gratitude.